Go With Us
The Boots on the Ground Partnership Program exists to bring love and hope, through the Good News of Jesus Christ, to some of the darkest and most desperate situations the world over. The financial support provided through this partnership enables House of Destiny to put boots on the ground to physically minister to those most in need all over the world.

We Stand With Israel
The Israel Partnership furthers Kim’s legacy of outreach to Israel and to Jewish people all over the world by supporting practical ministry in Israel and through Jewish missions. Israel is Forever, and we believe that our continued support is an act of obedience blessed by God.
(Genesis 12:3)
Supporting Children with Special Needs
Providing support to special needs children in Israel through our dear friends at SHALVA.
Bringing Jews Back to Israel
Sponsoring persecuted Jews from around the world escape anti-Semitism so that they can return to live in their biblical land.
Caring for Desperately Poor People in Cambodia
House of Destiny goes into the most desperate places around the world, providing basic needs.
Saving Lives of Children Around the World
House of Destiny partners with Save a Child’s Heart foundation to sponsor orphans and impoverished children who are in desperate need of life saving heart surgeries.
Providing Hope and Healing to Children in China
We’ve been privileged to help children from over 150 orphanages and from almost every region of China.
Providing for Ethiopian Children in Israel
Jewish Ethiopian refugees brought across to Israel for relocation were in desperate need. Â House of Destiny partnered with the International…